Friday, February 3, 2012

Window installation

Francis would like you to notice that he and the house have the same colour scheme
I've now installed all the windows on my Glencroft. That is, 15 windows total! (nine in front, two on one side, four on the other) They all have little screen printed white bars on them that are quite charming and I'm happy with the final results. Incidentally as you can see in the picture I added the flower box and the rest of the brackets that go under the windows and flower box as well.
I realized that I could go ahead and install the windows without worrying about the interior trim yet as long as the frames are flush with the interior walls. So I can still wallpaper before installing the interior window (and door) trim.

The only thing I can say about installing them is that it was a lot of work and I felt like I was installing real windows! Well not really. But here are the steps. Punch out the windows from their sheet, punch out the acetate from their sheet, punch out corresponding window trim and sills. Sand, sand, sand. Prime all the pieces. Paint all the pieces. Paint them all again. Glue the acetate to the frame then glue the other half of the frame and clip to dry. Scrape and sand and cut slivers away from the window gaps and then the windows themselves so that they would fit. Glue the windows in place and wonder why you were ever crazy enough to consider hinging them all.

And voila, the results are pretty windows that fit very snugly and are fun to peek through.

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